"You're never fully dressed,
though you may look your best.
You're never fully dressed without a smile"
A smile. A natural accessory that isn't bought in a mall or on an online shopping site. It is the only free accessory we are given in life.
A smile is something we should use more to our benefit. A great smile will over shadow frizzed hair, pit stains, or a ripped skirt.
A smile is an inexpensive way to change your looks. ~Charles Gordy
I know you're probably thinking
"I don't need to be told to smile. that isnt a fashion advice. Its just life advice."
Well false.
According to dictionary.com the exact definition of "fashion" is
a prevailing custom or style of dress, etiquette, socializing,etc.: the latest fashion in dresses.
conventional usage in dress, manners, etc., especially of polite society, or conformity to it: the dictates of fashion; tobe out of fashion.
So obviously, a smile is apart of fashion. And it puts together a whole image more than just clothes are. For example; here is the queen of modeling Tyra Banks with the same dress and hair style.
In my opinion, smiling makes all the difference between being attracted to someone and just looking at someone.
To learn more about Tyra Banks and the art of smiling check out Perez Hiltion's post Smiling 101 With Tyrannosaurus Banks
Reasons to Why We Should Smile:
- Smiling subconsciously puts you in a better mood.
- Smiling and happiness go hand in hand, for example, much like the smell of pumpkin and spice go with fall . When you smell a pumpkin spice scent, you're going to think of fall because you associate the two together because they are linked to each other. Obviously smiling is associated with happiness. So after years of smiling only when you're happy, when you smile you're going to think of happiness. So if you force yourself to smile more, you will instantly become more linked to being happy. So if you smile, you will become closer to being happy.
- Smiling is contagious.
- When you smile, you make everyone around instantly feel better. Think of who you would rather be around; someone who smiles or someone who frowns.
- Smiling makes us more attractive.
- It is proven that men are drawn to women who smile. It leaves a friendly impression of you in their mind and the body language makes men feel more comfortable around you and make you come off as more approachable. . It also exerts confidence and it is well known that men think confidence is sexy. Smiling is also a form of flirting.
- Smiling makes you more healthy.
- It decreases stress hormones and increases immunity cells. The more you smile the more physically and mentally healthy you will be.
- Smiling people don't kill their husbands. They just don't.
- Smiling requires muscle movement. Muscle movement releases endorphins. And as we all know endorphins create happy people. Happy people don't kill their husbands.
- Smiling keeps your youthful face in tact.
- Since you work your face muscles when you smile, your face becomes more tight and tone. It works much like any other work out of muscle exercise. The more "fit" your face muscles are, the less wrinkles you will have.
"Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been." ~Mark Twain
- Smiling makes you look confident (whether you are or aren't).
- when you smile, you look like you are confident and successful. As if you don't have a care in the world. When you're at a job interview or flirting with a guy then you should definitely wear your smile.
Just like any other clothing article or accessory, some smiles are better than others. So how can you make sure you have the best smile?
- Brush your teeth at least TWICE a day
- Floss #stopbeinglazy
- Get braces or invisaline (seriously, it helps)
- Mouth wash
- Avoid soda and red wine.
- Avoid a lot of sugar
- don't smoke
- get whitening strips
- Use a straw when you drink soda so it doesn't hit against your teeth.
- Add crowns or implants over oddly shaped teeth.
- Use chapstick or Vaseline to keep your lips soft.
- Put scotch tape over your lips to pull off dead skin on your lips.
- Use lip stick/ gloss that goes best with your outfit and complexion.
- Be happy! A happy smile is better than a fake smile.
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